Sunday, January 26, 2014

Disney Cruise Pirate Night

It is FREEZING here in Raleigh.  One of my friends claimed it is colder here than Alaska.  Last time I checked, we live in the south. What is up with this weather?!?  It's too cold to paint or build anything so my mind has wandered to our  Disney cruise  we are going on in a month with the boys and my parents.  We are super excited.

 I have been looking for inexpensive or free pirate wear for the boys for Pirate Night. My Facebook  Wake Forest Buy Sell Trade group has been awesome for this. I am also working on my own outfit.  I have a black lace up vest from my renaissance fair costume, black leather pants, and last night I bought a white flowy blouse from H&M that I can wear post cruise to work.

For the Handsome Hubby

More to come on M&L's costumes...

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