Coastal Grandmillennial Living Room

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Ever wondered what it would be like to partner with me on a distance design aka e-design? Here's a preview of what you, the client, receives when you purchase a Distance Design/e-Design package. 

When we collaborate on an e-design, you will receive a design board like this that shows what the space looks like all together. Then at the bottom is your shopping list to purchase items on your time as your budget allows. 

Samsung The Frame TV Glow Up

Sunday, August 29, 2021

 Happy Sunday! I hope that you had an amazing weekend.  As a Raleigh interior designer, I recommend Samsung's The Frame Art TV to all of my clients.

I finally got around to ordering the black customizable bezel (aka a magnet frame that clips onto your Frame TV). It came in on Saturday night so this morning I started to coat it in Rub N Buff.

Designer Look For Less 8.28

Saturday, August 28, 2021

As an interior designer in Wake Forest, North Carolina, I like to mix high and low price points to give you a beautiful and comfortable space within your budget. 


Look for Less

Do you have a space in your home that you don't love?  Let's fix that!  

The Frame TV

Monday, August 16, 2021

Happy Monday!  Those of you that have been around here for a while know that I am a HUGE fan of the Samsung The Frame TV.  I upload art through the Samsung Smart Things app, but I was only able to get the no mat options with art that I purchased from Samsung.

La Vita Classica II gifted by Josh Wilson Prints 

I have a new tip on how to use your own art without a mat!  Use this app to re-size your artwork prior to uploading via SmartThings: